First Full Release


JUMP!! has been released into the wild with these major bug fixes and features since the start:

- Has co-op mode (play with your friends, using the same keyboard).                                                                                                                                                                      - Has LAVA!! mode where you get chased by lava ultimately  having to speed run JUMP!!                                                                                                                      - All the continue and restart buttons work, also the levels are labelled correctly.                                                                                                                                          - Has a level select and all the buttons work                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Has a plan for the future and a secret Morse code message in the file(oops that wasn't meant to get out!)                                                                                - Has a 'clean up' - all of the text has been corrected and the game has just been checked and corrected for small errors.                                                    - JUMP!! has been released, please play JUMP!! it would mean a lot and follow GGH because we have another game planned and in the works.


JUMP!! Full Release 51 MB
Jan 30, 2021

Get JUMP!!


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Sorry for the format it changed after the draft, we will fix the next one and make it look way better